Initiative financed by CDTI in the «Cervera Technological Centers» call of the «State Program for the Generation of Knowledge and Scientific and Technological Strengthening of the R+D+i System», to establish a collaborative network, equipped with the necessary technology, tools and infrastructures, to act as a driving force for the development and introduction of new robotic technologies in the industrial manufacturing fabric.
5R pilot factories concept
The 5R network will implement 5 Pilot Factories, one for each of the members of the network, which correspond to different problems and industrial sectors.
5R Main Objectives
Develop a scientific-technical strengthening plan for the participating centers to position ourselves as the reference R+D network in the development and application of robotic technologies in perception, interaction and cognition for intelligent manufacturing.
Promote the introduction in the manufacturing sector of new paradigms of flexible and collaborative robotics supported by artificial intelligence.
Increase business technology transfer and accelerate technological innovation.
Acronym: 5R
Programme: State Program for Knowledge Generation and Scientific and Technological Strengthening of the R+D+i System
Call: Cervera Technological Centers
Duration: 36 months (01/01/2021-12/31/2023)
Financing: 3.993.282€